This bike is one I rescued from a friend’s back patio. Repaired the bent front wheel, cleaned the tank, rebuilt the carbs, replaced fuel lines and filters, replaced the fork/fairing boots, verified good compression (142psi left and 147psi right), set the valve clearances, changed oil and filter, flushed front brake system, replaced the battery, and tuned the carb mixtures and balance. She’s a little rough cosmetically (paint faded, numerous paint chips in front-facing surfaces, left lower fairing has been broken and repaired, most of the gold pinstripes have worn off, and a curiously-placed dent in the rear of the fuel tank- ‘ouch!’), but she runs well and goes down the road very comfortably. Features include hard saddlebags that detach, adjustable windscreen, front disk brake (rear drum), single-sided swingarm with shaft drive, reliable, air-cooled opposed-twin engine. Caveats: i don’t have a key to the saddlebags, the voltmeter doesn’t work (shows 17V any time the key is on), tires are a pretty old, but with decent tread. A great classic commuter bike. Easy, inexpensive maintenance, great weather protection, comfortable, and easy to ride. 66K miles showing, believed to be accurate.
$2500 firm.